
Tap into the Power of Partnership

Discover how our language services can transform your business

Videoconference Interpreter via zoom,

Technology Partners

Are you a technology company looking to expand your global reach and user base? Partnering with us can provide you with a competitive edge.

Seamless Integration: Integrate our language solutions into your technology stack to offer multilingual capabilities to your users.

Global Market Access: Tap into new markets and regions by offering your products or services in multiple languages.

Enhanced User Experience: Improve user engagement and satisfaction by providing content and interfaces in users’ preferred languages.

Custom Solutions: Collaborate with us to develop tailored language solutions that align with your technology goals.

International remote Interpreter services

Communications Partners

Are you an agency focused on communication, digital marketing, content creation or marketing strategies? Partnering with us can enhance your service offering.

Expand Client Base: Attract clients with international reach by offering comprehensive multilingual language services.

Global Market Access: Help your clients enter new markets with confidence by delivering high-quality language copy, copy-editing, and translation.

Creative Localization: Maintain culturally sensitive and consistent branding across regions and ensure that your clients’ message resonates with diverse audiences.

Seamless Processes: Streamline projects and Integrate language services & technology into your clients tech stack.

Videoconference interpreter

Media Partners

Are you in the media or entertainment industry? Partner with us to enhance the global appeal of your content and offerings.

Global Audiences: Reach international viewers and readers by providing interpreting, subtitles, dubbing, and translations for your media content.

Integrate Solutions: Provide innovative speech to speech, and speech to text solutions and use secure remote and hybrid platforms to leverage costs.

Quality Assurance: Rely on our expert linguists to deliver accurate translations simultaneously and high-quality audiovisual content.

Cultural Sensitivity: Ensure that your content resonates with diverse audiences while maintaining cultural authenticity.

Interpreter on demand

Commercial Partners

Are you a commercial enterprise seeking to expand into new markets or enhance your global presence? Partnering with us can help you achieve these goals.

Market Expansion: Enter new markets with confidence by offering products and services in local languages.

Brand Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand image across diverse regions with our localization expertise.

Cost Savings: Reduce translation and localization costs while maintaining high-quality output.

Customer Satisfaction: Enhance customer experience by providing support and content in customers’ preferred languages.

Solutions Partners

If you provide complementary and innovative solutions that can be integrated with our language services, we welcome the opportunity to explore partnerships that benefit both parties. Together, we can offer more comprehensive solutions to our clients and create a win-win scenario.

Image for language services for companies operating globally. Located in Milan

Use our professional language services for flawless coordination across channels, touch points and events.

Add Language Expertise to Provide a Full Service Solution

  • Language solutions in 120+ languages
  • Multilingual copywriting & content writing
  • E-commerce SEO and International SEO
  • AI-generated copy, copy-editing, & auditing
  • AI-bilingual corpus training
  • Multilingual Terminology & Glossary Management
  • Multilingual Style Guides
  • Integrated language & language technology for CMS, proprietary systems and more
  • Translation & Localisation in 120+ languages
  • Language subject-matter experts
  • Legal language services, court & notary services
  • Interpreters in over 120+ languages
  • Cutting edge Interpreting Technology & RSI platforms
  • AI-enabled interpreting systems,
  • Interpreting equipment, interpreting booths, & audio-visual equipment for an end-to-end solution
  • Multilingual Training & Coaching
  • Language Consulting
  • Ad hoc multilingual solutions

Learn how our partner program can help you provide the most up-to-date language solutions and technology to boost your customers' success.

Make your service multilingual

Find expert copywriting, content creation, translation, transcreation, interpreting and more with integrated language services to expand your reach worldwide.

live translator

Language Specialists

100+ languages

20+ years of experience

Provide your customers with a truly global service

Drive Sales & Business Growth

With over 20 years of experience working with leading global brands, Maka is by your side with innovative, reliable and customized language services to increase market reach, attract international customers, and maximize business opportunities for growth.

Ready to Partner with us?

Let's maximize new opportunities and grow together. Contact us today to discuss how we can create a successful partnership that benefits your business and ours.

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