
Maka Named Growth Champion 2022

Campione della Crescita 2022

Maka has been named Growth Champion 2022 by the German Quality and Finance institute ‘Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza’ in collaboration with the Italian Business and Finance paper ‘La Repubblica Affari & Finanza’ and awarded the quality seal “Campione della Crescita 2022”. 


Maka Language Consulting consolidates its position as an Italian leader in economic excellence and among the companies that has, against the odds, the largest margin of growth in terms of turnover and employees over the three year period from 2017 to 2020. 


The German body Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza and the Italian La Repubblica Affari & Finanza have included Maka among the 600 top Italian companies with sustained economic growth. 


The prize is the result of a study that assessed the three-year performance of over 25,000 Italian companies evaluating reputation and integrity and organic growth independent of any acquisitions. 


It is therefore with great pride that we communicate that Maka Language Consulting was classified as the first among Language Service Providers. 


We’d like to thank our clients and partners that believe in us as well as our fantastic team of consultants, translators, interpreters, and trainers. 


This recognition only pushes us to work even harder to become the trusted point of reference for language and communications services and for doing business in Italy. 

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